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Krypto Labs is a non-profit organization. This means that we rely on your help to organize meetups, conduct giveaways, and cover expenses such as equipment and travel related to events.
We do not charge any fees.
However, we would greatly appreciate it if you could use the links below, as they provide us with both money, crypto, and opportunities to be invited to events.
If you want to support us directly, you can do so through Vipps and Revolut at +4798605660.
You can also become a member of our Youtube channel or send a Super Chat during our live streams.
If you wish,
we appreciate if you choose us as the Grasrot recipient at Norsk Tipping (Coming soon!).
If you want to represent Krypto Labs while supporting us, you can also buy merch in our online store!
You can also help us by signing up using our affiliate links:
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